  1. 【著作】胥博懷弁護士が、月刊 ザ・ローヤーズ 2014年11月号において、『台湾での日系企業IPO(新規上場)の利点』を執筆しました(弁護士法人 第一法律事務所山本和人弁護士と共著)。
  2. 【公共参加】当事務所の蔡嘉政弁護士及び程威居弁護士は、東呉大学の法科大学院で開催される模擬法廷コンテストに参加する学生たちの訴訟実務経験の指導者として招かれました。
  3. 【講演活動】当事務所の盧偉銘弁護士が2013年11月29日に世新大学の会社法科目で「企業合併と買収実務事例」の講演に招かれます。
  4. 【公共参加】当事務所の盧偉銘弁護士、羅祖芳弁護士及び張琬婷弁護士が2013年11月20日に国立台湾大学の法科大学院で開催される「法曹のキャリアプラン講座~多元的な法曹像」に座長として出席します。
  5. 【公共参加】当事務所の蔡嘉政弁護士が2013年11月19日に東呉大学で「法曹のキャリアプラン講座」の講演に招かれます。
  6. 【講演活動】 当事務所の盧偉銘弁護士は2013年7月20日、台北律師公会 (Taipei Bar Association) 公司治理及企業併購委員会 (コーポレートガバナンスおよび企業買収合併委員会) を主宰し、世新大学法学院の胡韶雯助理教授をお招きし、「コーポレートガバナンスに関する法制度の改正と実務的発展」という題で講演をしていただきました。
  7. 【講演活動】 当事務所の盧偉銘弁護士は2013年6月22日、台北律師公会 (Taipei Bar Association) 公司治理及企業併購委員会 (コーポレートガバナンスおよび企業買収合併委員会) を主宰し、台湾大学法学院の邵慶平副教授をお招きし、「企業における証券取引法と侵権行為法の交錯 ― 裁判所による実務上の見解を例に」という題で講演をしていただきました。
  8. 【公共参加】 当事務所の盧偉銘弁護士、李師栄弁護士及び劉孟哲弁護士が、2013年5月30日に国立政治大学で開催された「法曹のキャリアプラン講座~多元的な法曹像」懇談会にパネリストとして?出席しました。
  9. 【公共参加】 当事務所の劉孟哲弁護士が、2013年4月17日に中華民国証券投資信託及び顧問商業協同組合に同行して北京中国証券監督管理委員会及び国家外国為替管理局を訪問しました。
  10. 【教育訓練】当事務所は、2013年3月29日、国立政治大学法学大学院の林佳和助教授を招いて「労働法規に関する問題の解析及び法改正の動向」を開催しました。
  11. 【公共参加】 当事務所の盧偉銘弁護士、蔡嘉政弁護士及び張君珮弁護士は2013年3月20日、国立台北大学で開催される「学生キャリアシリーズ講座 ― 『典型』と『非典型』の対話」と題するフォーラムに出席します。
  12. 【講演活動】 当事務所の劉康身弁護士が、財団法人生物技術開発センターの招待を受けたため、2013年3月14日、「個人情報保護法の施行細則及び企業がどうのように対応していくか」という講演を開きます。
  13. 【講演活動】 当事務所の劉孟哲弁護士は2012年7月24日社団法人台湾理財顧問認証協会の招待を受け、2013年3月12日に「金融サービス業における個人情報保護法施行のポイント及び法的責任」という題で講演を行いました。
  14. 【教育訓練】 当事務所は、2013年1月16日、林鈺雄教授を招いて「大法廷制度の特定テーマ講演」を開きました。
  15. 【講演活動】 当事務所の蔡嘉政弁護士が台北弁護士協会から2013年1月11日に「第二世代国民健康保険説明会」の座長として招かれました。
  16. 【教育訓練】 当事務所は、2013年1月8日、謝銘洋教授を招いて「特許新法に関する問題の探究及び評価分析-兼我が国における現行の知的財産法制に関する問題を論じる」を開きました。
  17. 【講演活動】 当事務所の盧偉銘弁護士は、会社組織研究発展協会から2012年11月29日に「企業コンプライアンス及び取締役会の秘書役のベストな実務フォーラム」におけるパネリストとしての出席依頼を受けました。
  18. 【研究計画】当事務所は中華民国証券投資信託および顧問商業同業公会 (SECURITIES INVESTMENT TRUST & CONSULTING ASSOCIATION OF THE R.O.C.) の委託を受け、「在台ファンドはいかに中国市場に参入販売するかに関する研究」について研究し、研究報告を提供しています。
  19. 【講演活動】 当事務所の盧偉銘弁護士は2012年11月24日、台北律師公会 (Taipei Bar Association) 公司治理及企業併購委員会 (コーポレート・ガバナンスおよび企業買収合併委員会) を主宰し、朱德芳副教授をお招きして「インサイダー取引の規範における最新の発展」と題してご講演いただきます。
  20. 【講演活動】 当事務所の盧偉銘弁護士は2012年10月13日、台北律師公会 (Taipei Bar Association) 公司治理及企業併購委員会 (コーポレートガバナンスおよび企業買収合併委員会) を主宰し、林仁光教授をお招きして「変動中のコーポレート・ガバナンス-ポスト世界金融危機の改革」と題してご講演いただきます。
  21. 【講演活動】 当事務所の盧偉銘弁護士ならびに劉孟哲弁護士は2012年8月16日、行政院金融監督管理委員会証券期貨局に招かれ、「外国口座税務コンプライアンス法 (FATCA) 規定の資産管理業者に対する影響について」と題して講演を行いました。
  22. 【講演活動】 当事務所の盧偉銘弁護士は2012年8月4日、台北律師公会 (Taipei Bar Association) に、「弁護士が裁判所から管理人、清算人などの職務に選任された際に直面する困難および不合理な扱いに関する問題座談会」のパネリストとして招かれました。
  23. 【講演活動】 当事務所の盧偉銘弁護士、劉孟哲弁護士ならびに頼宛瑩弁護士は2012年7月24日、中華民国証券投資信託および顧問商業同業公会 (SECURITIES INVESTMENT TRUST & CONSULTING ASSOCIATION OF THE R.O.C.) に招かれ、「個人情報保護法施行細則と金融業による対応の道」と題して講演を行いました。
  24. 【講演活動】 当事務所の盧偉銘弁護士は2012年4月7日、台北律師公会 (Taipei Bar Association) 公司治理及企業併購委員会 (コーポレート・ガバナンスおよび企業買収合併委員会) を主宰し、林國全教授を招きして「金融消費者保護法の初歩的分析」と題してご講演いただきました。
  25. 【公共参加】 当事務所の蔡嘉政弁護士は、台北律師公会 (Taipei Bar Association) 副祕書長に就任しました。
  26. 【講演活動】 当事務所の劉康身弁護士ならびに葉秋英顧問は2011年12月12日、中華民国証券商業同業公会 (Taiwan Securities Association) に招かれ、「個人情報保護法とその施行細則」と題して講演を行いました。
  27. 【公共参加】 当事務所の李師榮弁護士は、台北律師公会 (Taipei Bar Association) 祕書長に就任しました。

Lexgroup Newsletter from Lexcel Partners (Issue No. 333)
1.     Enforcement Rules of Labor Incident Act
On 15 November 2019, the Judicial Yuan announced the Enforcement Rules of the Labor Incident Act, which will become effective on 1 January 2020.  We summarize the key points below:
(1) If a labor incident initiated before the enforcement of the Labor Incident Act (LIA) has not been closed, the upcoming procedure shall be proceeded in accordance with the LIA.  If the parties have not proceeded with the oral debate on the merit of the case, the labor may apply for the transfer of jurisdiction according to the relevant regulations of the LIA.
(2) If a labor incident initiated before the enforcement of the LIA, the court fees shall be decided according to the applicable law upon the initiation, application, or appeal. 
(3) Except for the labor incidents that shall be reviewed by the Intellectual Property Court, a labor incident remanded after the enforcement of the LIA shall be handled by the labor professional court or division.
(4) A labor incident initiated before the enforcement of the LIA which remains under the mediation procedure, the mediation procedure shall be proceeded in accordance with the provision of the Civil Procedure Act.
Reported by: David Tsai / Paul Hsu
2.     Guidelines for a Business Entity to Conduct Labor-Management Meeting
On 25 November 2019, the Ministry of Labor (MOL) announced the Guidelines for a Business Entity to Conduct Labor-Management Conference. We summarize the key points below:
(1) The business entity shall provide necessary fund, equipment, and place for labor-management conference.
(2) The business entity shall announce the seats to be elected, date, time, location and method of the election of labor representatives.
(3) The business entity shall hold the labor-management conference on a periodic basis, which shall be at least once every three months.
(4) Upon the resolution of labor-management conference, the meetings can be held via video conference, but the business entity shall ensure that the video is clear and available to all attendees.
(5) The record of video conference shall be able to identify the attendees in order to determine number of the attendees and threshold of the resolution.
(6) If the resolution made at the labor-management conference involves in the consent stated in Labor Standard Act, it may set forth the deadline.
Reported by: David Tsai / Alex Li
3.     Directions for Classifying an Employment Agreement
On 19 November 2019, the MOL announced the Directions for Classifying an Employment Agreement and a checklist to decide the subordination nature of an employment agreement, to facilitate the employer and the employee to distinguish an employment agreement and other kinds of labor service agreement.  The more items checked, the higher possibility to be considered as an employment agreement.  We summarize the key points below:
(1) A business entity and a service provider may freely agree on the nature of a labor service contract, but the nature of an agreement shall not be bound by the title or formality of the agreement.
(2) If the overall nature of an agreement includes all or a part of the following factors that the service provider is likely considered to a certain extent subordinating to the business entity, and then it will be considered as an employment agreement:
(a) Personnel subordination:
(A) The service hours are directed or controlled by the business entity.
(B) The method to provide services is directed or controlled by the business entity.
(C) The venue of services is directed or controlled by the business entity.
(D)The service provider cannot refuse the work assigned by the business entity.
(E) The service provider is obligated to accept or subject to assessment of the service quality by the business entity.
(F) The service provider needs to comply with the discipline or internal rules of the business entity, and is subject to punishment or unfavorable treatment for any violation thereof.
(G)The service provider shall provide services in person, and cannot assign a proxy unless otherwise consented.
(H) The service provider cannot provide services in his/her own name.
(b) Economic subordination:
(A) The service provider would collect the remuneration based on the services provided, but not the result of the services provided, and bear no business risk.
(B) The business cost such as the equipment, machine, material or tool required for providing service is not equipped, managed or maintained by the service provider.
(C) The service provider does not provide services for his/her own business purpose.
(D)The business entity adopts standardized agreement to regulate the service provider, who can only obtain remuneration based on the unilateral standards or unilateral change of the business entity.
(E) The business entity limits the service provider to provide services via the business entity, and the service provider cannot transact with a third party privately.
(c) Organizational subordination:
(A) The service provider is adopted into the organization system of the business entity and have to cooperate with his/her colleague through work division to complete the work
(d) Other criteria:
(A) The service provider is insured by the labor insurance as a result of the application by the business entity, or the business entity contributes the labor pension for the service provider.
(B) The business entity withholds tax against the salary income, and reports the same to the tax authority.
(C) The nature of the agreement between the business entity and other employees providing same services is categorized as an employment agreement.
Reported by: David Tsai / Paul Hsu
4.     Ruling Related to Article 43-1 of Income Tax Act
On 15 November 2019, the Ministry of Finance (MOF) announced a ruling in respect to the one-time transfer pricing of multinational corporations before annual accounting settlement under Article 43-1 of Income Tax Act.  We summarize the key points below:
(1) A profit-seeking enterprise conducting the controlled transaction and one-time transfer pricing before annual accounting settlement shall meet the requirement below:
(a) The participants of a controlled transaction shall reach an agreement in advance on the transaction terms and all the pricing factor of the transaction.  In addition, the receivables and payables after adjustment according to the agreement shall be recorded in the financial accounting book.
(b) Other participants of a controlled transaction shall make the correspondent adjustment simultaneously.
(2) Customs duties, business tax, commodity tax and income tax returns will be filed at the prices after adjustment, provided that the profit-seeking enterprises shall provide the relevant documents as evidence.
(3) A profit-seeking enterprise which conducts the one-time transfer pricing shall still follow the requirements under Article 43-1 of the Income Tax Act, the Regulations Governing Assessment of Profit-Seeking Enterprise Income Tax on Non-Arm's-Length Transfer Pricing, and the relevant laws and regulations when filing their annual income tax returns.
Reported by: Stacy Lo / Alex Li
5.     Amendment to Regulations Governing Application of Tax Credits by Company or Limited Partnership for R&D Expenditures
On 22 November, 2019, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the MOF announced the amendment to the “Regulations Governing Application of Tax Credits by Company or Limited Partnership for R&D Expenditures”.  The tax credits against profit-seeking enterprise income tax payable for the current year and three years following the current year are now 15% and 10% of the R&D expenses respectively.  The implementation period of the regulations has been extended to 31 December, 2029. 
Reported by: Mike Lu / Lily Huang
6.     Sole Proprietorship, Native Minor and Foreign Adult May Open a Deposit Account Directly Through the Internet
On 25 November 2019, the Bankers Association of the R.O.C issued a press release, informing various banks the amended Principal for Banks to Deal with Clients Opening a Digital Deposit Account through the Internet.  We summarize the key points below:
(1) The sole proprietorship of which the responsible person is a native adult may open a deposit account through the internet by using the natural person certificate, business certificate and video conference to undertake the verification and uploading relevant certifications.
(2)     A native minor who is 7 years old or older and has the national ID card may open a deposit account through the internet by verifying his or her guardian and uploading the certifications of the guardian and the minor.
(3) Foreigners who is 20 years old or older and has IC residence permit may open a deposit account through the internet after identity verification procedures.
Reported by: Stacy Lo / Bella Chiu
Public companies
7.     Draft Amendment to Regulations Governing Information to be Published in Annual Reports of Public Companies and Regulations Governing Information to be Published in Prospectuses
On 22 November 2019, the Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) announced the draft amendment to the "Regulations Governing Information to be Published in Annual Reports of Public Companies" and "Regulations Governing Information to be Published in Prospectuses" for public consultation.  We summarize the key points below:
(1) Reinforce the information disclosure of the operation of corporate governance;
(2) Improve the transparency and reasonableness of the remuneration of companies' responsible person, including changing the class interval of remuneration from 8 classes to 10 classes and adding the circumstances where the individual disclosure of responsible person remuneration is required.
(3) Enhance the quality for disclosure of non-financial information.  With reference to the international development trend of non-financial information disclosure, the disclosure items for fulfilling corporate social responsibility is amended.
Reported by: Stacy Lo / Cindy Chien
8.     Draft Amendment to Regulations Governing the Preparation of Financial Reports by Securities Firms and Regulations Governing the Preparation of Financial Reports by Futures Commission Merchants
On 14 November 2019, the FSC announced the draft amendments to Regulations Governing the Preparation of Financial Reports by Securities Firms and Regulations Governing the Preparation of Financial Reports by Futures Commission Merchants. We summarize the key points below:
(1) To include the circumstances where a securities firm or futures commission merchant shall further disclose (a) the remuneration paid to each individual director, supervisor, general manager, etc.; and (b) top five highest remuneration paid to each individual officer in its financial report.
(2) To require that the amount, percentage and reason for decrease in audit fees paid for the current financial year be disclosed if such fees are lower than those paid for the preceding financial year by 10% or more, instead of 15%.
Reported by: Jeffrey Liu / Mindy Liao
9.     Ruling Related to Regulations Governing Implementation of Internal Control and Auditing System of Insurance Enterprises
On 21 November 2019, the FSC issued a ruling regarding the Regulations Governing Implementation of Internal Control and Auditing System of Insurance Enterprises (Regulations).  According to Subparagraph 2, Paragraph 1, Article 6 of the Regulations, an insurance enterprise using a computerized information processing system shall include control operation for system development and program modification in its internal control system.  The ruling indicates that for the change of the core information system, at least the cost benefit analysis, risk assessment, requirement analysis, designing and programming, function verification (including integrity, accuracy and stability), decision changing assessment and parallel test, etc. must be made.
Reported by: David Tsai / Aaron Lai
10. Amendment to Regulations Governing Insurance Brokers and Regulations Governing Insurance Agents
On 18 November 2019, the FSC announced the amendment to the "Regulations Governing Insurance Brokers and the Regulations Governing Insurance Agents".  We summarize the key points below:
(1)Before issue of the policy, the insurer shall confirm that the inspection operation of relevant documents have been completed in accordance with the internal inspection rules of the insurance, broker, insurance agency company, and bank and the relevant operation records and supporting documents have been safe kept accordingly.
(2)The amendments add a provision that the bank shall establish a mechanism to inspect the consistency of the financial information between financial consumers who purchases the insurance product with bank loan, time deposit terminated or policy loan, and their transactions and shall assign non-sales department personnel to conduct phone interviews.
(3)The reinsurance broker business can be applied independently or the insurance broker business and reinsurance broker business may be concurrently applied.
(4)An insurance broker company shall preserve the complete documents regarding reinsurance contract and deliver them to the original insurer.
(5)The bank shall not authorize the its clerk engaging in the credit or deposits and remittances business to sell investment-linked insurance products or insurance products with termination fees (excluding injury insurance and mortgage life insurance with policy term no more than 3 years) and receive the remuneration.
Reported by: David Tsai / Aaron Lai
11. Draft Amendment to Regulations Governing Foreign Investments by Insurance Companies
On 26 November 2019, the FSC announced the draft amendment to the "Regulations Governing Foreign Investments by Insurance Companies for public consultation".  We summarize the key points below:
(1)The amendment allows the insurance enterprises to invest in Sukuk.
(2)The requirements of the credit rating level and the calculation of the relevant limits of fixed income products are amended to be subject to the issuance rating of bonds.  If there is no issue rating of bonds, such rating is replaced by credit rating of the issuance or guarantee institution.  If the issuance rating of bonds is required originally, it shall not be replaced by credit rating of the issuance or guarantee institution.
(3)The amendment allows the funds of the insurance enterprises to be invested in the private placement bonds issued by the foreign listed enterprise and not traded on foreign exchange market or OTC market.  The amendment also provides the conditions and limits of such investment.
Reported by: David Tsai / Aaron Lai
Mike Lu (Partner)
Stacy Lo (Partner)
Jeffrey Liu (Partner)
Kang-Shen Liu (Partner)
David Tsai (Partner)
Echo Yeh
Sue Su
Shih-Jung Lee
Jolene Wang (Lexcel Partners IP) ̨0.5s TȲ Ͳ ̨ϽA·Ħ ǰĦ ҈@С ̨Ԯ ̨ϲӍ

Areas of Practice

Litigations, dispute resolution and relief, cross border and China investment, drafting and negotiation of commercial agreements, corporate establishment and registrations, mergers & acquisitions, labor and employment matters, real estate, regulatory compliance, tax advice, securities transactions, bank financing, insurance, asset manavgement, fair trade law, and intellectual property right related.



当事務所は、Chambers Asia Pacific において台湾地域の企業及び合併・買収分野(Corporate/M&A)、労働関係分野(Employment)及び保険分野(Insurance)のリーディング事務所の一つとして評価されました。

当事務所の盧偉銘弁護士、葉秋英顧問及び蘇鴻霞顧問等は、Chambers Asia Pacificにおいて台湾地域の企業及び合併・買収分野(Corporate/M&A)のリーダーの一人として評価されました。

当事務所は、2012年インターナショナルファイナンシャルローレビューIFLR 1000誌 (International Financial Law Review)のによって台湾地域の資本市場(Capital Market)及び合併・買収(M& A)分野の弁護士事務所として推薦を受けています。
