  1. 【著作】胥博懷弁護士が、月刊 ザ・ローヤーズ 2014年11月号において、『台湾での日系企業IPO(新規上場)の利点』を執筆しました(弁護士法人 第一法律事務所山本和人弁護士と共著)。
  2. 【公共参加】当事務所の蔡嘉政弁護士及び程威居弁護士は、東呉大学の法科大学院で開催される模擬法廷コンテストに参加する学生たちの訴訟実務経験の指導者として招かれました。
  3. 【講演活動】当事務所の盧偉銘弁護士が2013年11月29日に世新大学の会社法科目で「企業合併と買収実務事例」の講演に招かれます。
  4. 【公共参加】当事務所の盧偉銘弁護士、羅祖芳弁護士及び張琬婷弁護士が2013年11月20日に国立台湾大学の法科大学院で開催される「法曹のキャリアプラン講座~多元的な法曹像」に座長として出席します。
  5. 【公共参加】当事務所の蔡嘉政弁護士が2013年11月19日に東呉大学で「法曹のキャリアプラン講座」の講演に招かれます。
  6. 【講演活動】 当事務所の盧偉銘弁護士は2013年7月20日、台北律師公会 (Taipei Bar Association) 公司治理及企業併購委員会 (コーポレートガバナンスおよび企業買収合併委員会) を主宰し、世新大学法学院の胡韶雯助理教授をお招きし、「コーポレートガバナンスに関する法制度の改正と実務的発展」という題で講演をしていただきました。
  7. 【講演活動】 当事務所の盧偉銘弁護士は2013年6月22日、台北律師公会 (Taipei Bar Association) 公司治理及企業併購委員会 (コーポレートガバナンスおよび企業買収合併委員会) を主宰し、台湾大学法学院の邵慶平副教授をお招きし、「企業における証券取引法と侵権行為法の交錯 ― 裁判所による実務上の見解を例に」という題で講演をしていただきました。
  8. 【公共参加】 当事務所の盧偉銘弁護士、李師栄弁護士及び劉孟哲弁護士が、2013年5月30日に国立政治大学で開催された「法曹のキャリアプラン講座~多元的な法曹像」懇談会にパネリストとして?出席しました。
  9. 【公共参加】 当事務所の劉孟哲弁護士が、2013年4月17日に中華民国証券投資信託及び顧問商業協同組合に同行して北京中国証券監督管理委員会及び国家外国為替管理局を訪問しました。
  10. 【教育訓練】当事務所は、2013年3月29日、国立政治大学法学大学院の林佳和助教授を招いて「労働法規に関する問題の解析及び法改正の動向」を開催しました。
  11. 【公共参加】 当事務所の盧偉銘弁護士、蔡嘉政弁護士及び張君珮弁護士は2013年3月20日、国立台北大学で開催される「学生キャリアシリーズ講座 ― 『典型』と『非典型』の対話」と題するフォーラムに出席します。
  12. 【講演活動】 当事務所の劉康身弁護士が、財団法人生物技術開発センターの招待を受けたため、2013年3月14日、「個人情報保護法の施行細則及び企業がどうのように対応していくか」という講演を開きます。
  13. 【講演活動】 当事務所の劉孟哲弁護士は2012年7月24日社団法人台湾理財顧問認証協会の招待を受け、2013年3月12日に「金融サービス業における個人情報保護法施行のポイント及び法的責任」という題で講演を行いました。
  14. 【教育訓練】 当事務所は、2013年1月16日、林鈺雄教授を招いて「大法廷制度の特定テーマ講演」を開きました。
  15. 【講演活動】 当事務所の蔡嘉政弁護士が台北弁護士協会から2013年1月11日に「第二世代国民健康保険説明会」の座長として招かれました。
  16. 【教育訓練】 当事務所は、2013年1月8日、謝銘洋教授を招いて「特許新法に関する問題の探究及び評価分析-兼我が国における現行の知的財産法制に関する問題を論じる」を開きました。
  17. 【講演活動】 当事務所の盧偉銘弁護士は、会社組織研究発展協会から2012年11月29日に「企業コンプライアンス及び取締役会の秘書役のベストな実務フォーラム」におけるパネリストとしての出席依頼を受けました。
  18. 【研究計画】当事務所は中華民国証券投資信託および顧問商業同業公会 (SECURITIES INVESTMENT TRUST & CONSULTING ASSOCIATION OF THE R.O.C.) の委託を受け、「在台ファンドはいかに中国市場に参入販売するかに関する研究」について研究し、研究報告を提供しています。
  19. 【講演活動】 当事務所の盧偉銘弁護士は2012年11月24日、台北律師公会 (Taipei Bar Association) 公司治理及企業併購委員会 (コーポレート・ガバナンスおよび企業買収合併委員会) を主宰し、朱德芳副教授をお招きして「インサイダー取引の規範における最新の発展」と題してご講演いただきます。
  20. 【講演活動】 当事務所の盧偉銘弁護士は2012年10月13日、台北律師公会 (Taipei Bar Association) 公司治理及企業併購委員会 (コーポレートガバナンスおよび企業買収合併委員会) を主宰し、林仁光教授をお招きして「変動中のコーポレート・ガバナンス-ポスト世界金融危機の改革」と題してご講演いただきます。
  21. 【講演活動】 当事務所の盧偉銘弁護士ならびに劉孟哲弁護士は2012年8月16日、行政院金融監督管理委員会証券期貨局に招かれ、「外国口座税務コンプライアンス法 (FATCA) 規定の資産管理業者に対する影響について」と題して講演を行いました。
  22. 【講演活動】 当事務所の盧偉銘弁護士は2012年8月4日、台北律師公会 (Taipei Bar Association) に、「弁護士が裁判所から管理人、清算人などの職務に選任された際に直面する困難および不合理な扱いに関する問題座談会」のパネリストとして招かれました。
  23. 【講演活動】 当事務所の盧偉銘弁護士、劉孟哲弁護士ならびに頼宛瑩弁護士は2012年7月24日、中華民国証券投資信託および顧問商業同業公会 (SECURITIES INVESTMENT TRUST & CONSULTING ASSOCIATION OF THE R.O.C.) に招かれ、「個人情報保護法施行細則と金融業による対応の道」と題して講演を行いました。
  24. 【講演活動】 当事務所の盧偉銘弁護士は2012年4月7日、台北律師公会 (Taipei Bar Association) 公司治理及企業併購委員会 (コーポレート・ガバナンスおよび企業買収合併委員会) を主宰し、林國全教授を招きして「金融消費者保護法の初歩的分析」と題してご講演いただきました。
  25. 【公共参加】 当事務所の蔡嘉政弁護士は、台北律師公会 (Taipei Bar Association) 副祕書長に就任しました。
  26. 【講演活動】 当事務所の劉康身弁護士ならびに葉秋英顧問は2011年12月12日、中華民国証券商業同業公会 (Taiwan Securities Association) に招かれ、「個人情報保護法とその施行細則」と題して講演を行いました。
  27. 【公共参加】 当事務所の李師榮弁護士は、台北律師公会 (Taipei Bar Association) 祕書長に就任しました。

Lexgroup Newsletter (Issue No. 427)
1.     Constitutional Court Judgement
On 27 October 2023, the Constitutional Court rendered Ref. No. 112-Shien-Pan-16 (Judgment) to opine that Paragraph 2, Article 56 of the Labor Standards Act (Provision) requests the employer to make up shortage of the estimated pension in one time does not violate the principle of proportionality and contradict the rationale of the Constitution to protect people's property rights if its implementation is still within a reasonable range and reasonable connection with the legitimate purpose of strengthening the protection of employee's right and interest for claiming the pension.
Reported by: David Tsai / Sean Tsai
Climate Change
2.     Amendment to Enforcement Rules on Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act," Renamed as "Enforcement Rules on Climate Change Response Act
On 27 October 2023, the Ministry of Environment (MOE) announced draft amendments to the Enforcement Rules on Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act, which will be renamed as Enforcement Rules on Climate Change Response Act.  The proposed additions and revisions include but not limited to:
(1)      Addition of the responsibilities of the central competent authority, as well as the competent authorities of special municipalities and counties (cities);
(2)      Addition of requirements for relevant central authorities to estimate greenhouse gas (GHG) emission trend, conduct scenario analysis, and assess their impact;
(3)      Amendments to the schedule for reporting progress in achieving annual phased control targets;
(4)      Relevant amendments to sector GHG reduction action plans and execution plans;
(5)      Provisions concerning adaptation action plans and adaptation execution plans in areas vulnerable to climate change impacts;
(6)      Amendments to the schedule for submitting national emissions statistics and the national GHG emissions inventory, along with the consolidation of content structure within the national inventory; and
(7)      Addition of provisions for public participation, disclosure of relevant matters, and the schedule and methods for information disclosure.
Reported by: Jeffrey Liu / Jason Su
3.     Regulations on Greenhouse Gas Voluntary Reduction Project
On 12 October 2023, the MOE promulgated the Regulations on Greenhouse Gas Voluntary Reduction Project, where fundamental principles for voluntary GHG reduction mechanisms are included (Regulations).  The Regulations address several key areas, including application procedures, required documentation, and the registration process for voluntary reduction projects.  Additionally, the Regulations detail the allocation of quotas for projects submitted jointly, compliance periods, principles for conducting additional analyses, and deadlines for project reviews, etc. 
Furthermore, the Regulations provide details on GHG reduction methods as well as their designated certification or verification procedures, procedures for modifications and extensions of voluntary reduction projects, the establishment of quota accounts, and the allocation of reduction quotas.  Also, the Regulations also specify the procedures and provisions for the application of reviewing or revising greenhouse gas reduction methods.  Finally, the Regulaitons outline circumstances under which the central authority can revoke projects and cancel reduction quotas.
Reported by: Jeffrey Liu / Jason Su
4.     Regulations over Greenhouse Gas Emissions Offset Programs
On 12 October 2023, the MOE announced the Regulations Governing Greenhouse Gas Emissions Offset Programs (Regulations). We summarize below:
(1)      For enterprises, to add entities which are required to undergo GHG increase and offset, the regulations to be followed, the documents required for application, the schedule for submitting, and the relevant regulations on submitting the plan or its implementation results;
(2)      For GHG, to add that the source for increasing and offsetting, the schedule, and the contents of the implementation report; and
(3)      For the MOE, to add administrative requirmeents on the review and correction of plans or implementation results for the acceptance of GHG reduction benefits, as well as the review and correction of plans and implementation reports for the acceptance of GHG emission increase and offset.
Reported by: Jeffrey Liu / Winnie Su
5.     Amendment to Table of Grades of Labor Insurance Salary and Insured Salary Category Chart of Labor Occupational Accident Insurance
On 16 October 2023, the Ministry of Labor (MOL) announced to amend the Table of Grades of Labor Insurance Salary and the Insured Salary Category Chart of Labor Occupational Accident Insurance.  This amendment is to be in line with the adjustment of the basic wage.  The monthly insured salary for the first level of the two tables/charts is amended to NTD27,470, and the levels of the monthly insured salary specified in the remarks column of the former table/chart are also adjusted accordingly.
Reported by: David Tsai / Sean Tsai
6.     Amendment to "Type A Foreign Professional Personnel Employment Work Permit Application Form"
On 26 October 2023, the MOL announced the amendment to the "Type A Foreign Professional Personnel Employment Work Permit Application Form", which mainly specified in the application form that the business entity of "Six Core Strategic Industries" may also apply for employment of white-collar foreign workers for specific job categories.  "Six Core Strategic Industries" include "information and digital industries", "cybersecurity industry", "precision health industry", "green and renewable energy industry", "national defense and strategic industries", and "strategic stockpile industries".
Reported by: David Tsai / Paul Hsu
7.     Addition of anti-dilution clause of securities investment trust fund
On 20 October 2023, the Securities Investment Trust and Consulting Association (SITCA) issued a ruling to amend the template of trust deed of each type of securities investment trust funds (SITE Fund) except for open currency type of fund and ETF) and "SITCA SITEs Code of Manger".  We summarize below:
(1)      Amendments to template of trust deed of each type of SITE Fund: adding that manger may charge anti-dilution fee.
(2)      Amendments to SITEs Code of Manger:
a.       Manager shall establish the policy of anti-dilution fee of funds, and incorporate such policy in internal control system.
b.       Manager of fund shall disclose the initiation threshold of anti-dilution fee of fund, rate of anti-dilution fee, adjusting mechanism, fee cap and related calculation method.
(3)      The ruling also provides that:
a.       The amendment will be implemented from 1 January 2025.
b.       The new established SITE Fund shall state the mechanism of anti-dilution fee in the trust deed according to the template of trust deed.  The established SITE Fund shall amend the trust deed where it decides to charge the anti-dilution fee.  SITE Fund which does not have need of anti-dilution fee mechanism shall incorporate such mechanism in the trust deed where it amends the trust deed in the future.  
c.        SITE Fund shall disclose the anti-dilution fee mechanism in the prospectus where it has established such mechanism.
d.       To protect the right of beneficiary of ETF, the mechanism of subscription fee and redemption fee of ETF shall be disclosed in the prospectus and the rate fluctuation shall be considered.
Reported by: Jeffrey Liu /Lia Wang
8.     Ruling Regarding New Types of Business for SITE/SICE Under Article 3.3.3 and 4.3.3 of the Securities Investment Trust and Consulting Act
On 26 October 2023, the Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) announced the ruling regarding the requirements to allow the business scope under the “other relevant business permitted by the FSC as stipulated in Article 3.3.3 and 4.3.3 of the Securities Investment Trust and Consulting Act, which have the same key points as the draft ruling.    Please refer to Lexgroup Newsletter (Issue No. 422) for the summary.
Reported by: Jeffrey Liu / Amy Su
9.     Draft Amendment to "Securities Investment Trust and Consulting Act"
On 12 October 2023, Executive Yuan announced the draft amendment to Securities Investment Trust and Consulting Act (Act), providing that "real estate investment trust enterprises" (REITs enterprise) may raise real estate investment trusts (REITs) through public offering or private placement.  Unlike the current REITs issued under Real Estate Securitization Act, which adopts a trust structure with the trust enterprise concurrently acting as the custodian and the manager of the REITs, the draft amendment adopts "trust fund structure", which means that the REITs enterprise acts as the manger and the trust enterprise acts as the custodian.  The new "trust fund structure" will co-exist with the current "trust structure", forming a double-track REITs system.
We summarize the draft amendment below:
(1)      Defining the business scope of a REITs enterprise and the types of business it may operate, and stipulating that the operation of business shall be subject to prior approval of the competent authority.
(2)      Adding definitions of relevant terms of REITs business, including REITs agreement, REITs fund, etc.
(3)      Adding a new chapter to regulate REITs business, and stipulating that REITs shall not invest the housing under paragraph 1, Article 3 of the Housing Act except for projects of urban renewal and reconstruction of urban unsafe and old buildings.
(4)      Stipulating that REITs enterprises may operate REITs business, and providing relevant regulations for REIT enterprises.
(5)      As REITs funds mainly invest in real estate or its relevant rights rather than securities, the name of the Act is amended from "Securities Investment Trust and Consulting Act" to "Securities and Real Estate Investment Trust and Securities Investment Consulting Act".
Reported by: Jeffrey Liu /Lia Wang
10. Amendments to Guidelines for the Determination of Income from Sources in the Republic of China in Accordance with Article 8 of the Income Tax Act
On 13 October 2023, the Ministry of Finance (MOF) announced the amendments to Point 15 of the "Guidelines for the Determination of Income from Sources in the Republic of China in Accordance with Article 8 of the Income Tax Act".  The amendment extends the period for foreign profit-seeking enterprises to apply for cost deductions from 5 years to 10 years, which takes effect on the same day.  On 13 October 2023, if such period has not exceeded 5 years according to the provisions in effect before the amendments, the new provisions apply; otherwise, the provisions before the amendments still apply.
Reported by: Stacy Lo / Cleo Lu
11. Draft Amendments to Regulations Governing Application of Income Calculation From Controlled Foreign Company for Individuals
On 30 October 2023, the MOF announced the draft amendments to "Regulations Governing Application of Income Calculation From Controlled Foreign Company for Individuals" for public consultation.  We summarize below:
(1)      When the trust property under a trust relationship is shares or capital of an affiliated enterprise in an offshore low-tax burden region or country, the settlor, trustee or beneficiary of this trust relationship constitutes the "related parties".
(2)      The reference list of the low-tax burden regions announced by the MOF does not include the situations where the tax jurisdiction provides special tax rate or tax system for specific regions or specific type of enterprises.
(3)      To amend the calculation method for the threshold to exempt from applying the provisions regarding controlled foreign companies; to amend the calculation method for the current-year earnings of controlled foreign companies, and to specify the conversion basis for exchange rate.
(4)      Considering that the fair value of "financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss" (FVPL) fluctuates greatly in the short term and is beyond the control of the individual, it is stipulated that the individual may choose to add the relevant profits and losses back to the current-year earnings of controlled foreign company when the FVPL is disposed of or reclassified.
(5)      To delete the requirement that the certificate of tax payment and related documents issued by the overseas tax authorities shall be authenticated by an embassy or consulate of the Republic of China, except where the income originates from Mainland China.
Reported by: Stacy Lo / Cleo Lu
12. Interpretation for Article 28 of the Land Act
On 16 October 2023, the MOF announced the interpretation ruling for Article 28 of the Land Act, which provides that in cases where a trust deed specifies the beneficiary of the trust property as the trustor and the trustor is dissolved due to a merger and the trustor and beneficiary are changed to the surviving company after the merger, if the merger falls under relevant provisions of the Business Mergers and Acquisitions Act, the land value increment tax that should be borne by the dissolved company may be deposited at the transferred land. The criteria for evaluation of the land's current transfer value declaration shall be handled in accordance with the "Guidelines for Enterprises or Financial Institutions Applying for Land Value Increment Tax Depositions due to Land Transfer under Mergers".
Reported by: Kangshen Liu/ Alex Li
Emerging Technologies
13. Announcement of "Guideline for the Online Lending Platforms Business"
On 19 October 2023, the FSC announced the "Guideline for the Online Lending Platforms Business”.  We summarize below:
(1)      P2P platform operators shall not provide services requiring special permits, such as accepting deposits or issuing securities, etc.
(2)      P2P platform operators shall establish risk control mechanisms, such as real-name systems for borrowers and lenders, segregation of own funds and customer funds, and obtaining full performance guarantees from banks and other cash flow management and control principles.
(3)      P2P platform operators shall establish measures to protect consumers, such as maintaining data security, setting up customer disputes handling mechanisms, and mechanisms to confirm the authenticity of claims.
Reported by: Stacy Lo/ Linda Chu
14. Amendment to "Operation Principle of the Asset Management Company Reinvested by the Financial Holding Company (Bank)"
On 5 October 2023, the FSC announced the amendment to the "Operation Principle of the Asset Management Company Reinvested by the Financial Holding Company (Bank)".  We summarize below:
(1)      To add that the asset management company (AMC) reinvested by the financial holding company (bank) may accept the engagement of the consultation and management consulting service of urban renewal or unsafe and old buildings reconstruction case, and may be the "parties entering agreements with the implementer on provision of needed funds" in the urban renew case led by the government, and assist with the development of public urban renewal.
(2)      To provide that the amount advanced by AMC before the urban renewal plan is approved need not be calculated together with the similar case of banking subsidiaries or the financial holding company for the limitation under Article 72-2 of the Banking Act.  However, the AMC shall track the actual purpose of the advanced fund.  If the usage of the fund does not meet the fee item of the advance or the urban renewal plan is not approved by the competent authority, it shall still be calculated together for the aforementioned limitation under the Banking Act.
(3)      To add that the financial holding company (bank) shall stipulate the AMC risk management indicator and limitation, and shall review the AMC operation status and business development every half an year, and stipulate relevant internal control system.
Reported by: Stacy Lo/ Henry Ku
Mike Lu           (Partner)
Stacy Lo          (Partner)
Jeffrey Liu        (Partner)
Kang-Shen Liu    (Partner)
David Tsai        (Partner)
Angela Lin   (Partner)
Echo Yeh
Sue Su
Jolene Wang (Lexcel Partners IP) ̨0.5s TȲ Ͳ ̨ϽA·Ħ ǰĦ ҈@С ̨Ԯ ̨ϲӍ

Areas of Practice

Litigations, dispute resolution and relief, cross border and China investment, drafting and negotiation of commercial agreements, corporate establishment and registrations, mergers & acquisitions, labor and employment matters, real estate, regulatory compliance, tax advice, securities transactions, bank financing, insurance, asset manavgement, fair trade law, and intellectual property right related.



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当事務所の盧偉銘弁護士、葉秋英顧問及び蘇鴻霞顧問等は、Chambers Asia Pacificにおいて台湾地域の企業及び合併・買収分野(Corporate/M&A)のリーダーの一人として評価されました。

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